As our school year comes to a close and we prepare for a new baby in the house I find that my time is spent doing daily chores instead of this blog :( I really like sharing our families experience through this homeschool journey with anyone interested but I also feel that it keeps me accountable to others as we go through each new day/year in this process.
Here is letter Nn
My kids LOVE things that start with Nn...their favorite being noodles...dry or cooked...doesn't matter...they sure love their noodles!!! Our collage this week fit in perfect with their love of NOODLES!
And when your collage is all finished, YES you may EAT your DRY NOODLES!
Going on a letter Nn hunt takes LOTS of concentration
Madelynn loves this alphabet puzzle!!
Coloring is a favorite activity!!!
Letter Nn matching-sorting/matching capital and lower case letters
Patterns-what comes next...
6piece puzzle
Letter tracing with gems
Color matching with WORDS
Size Train as Joshua calls it-lining up the nests in order of size-big to small, small to big
Disks letters-spelling out the word of the week
Cute, cute!