Thursday, February 2, 2012

Blighted Ovum

Have you ever heard this term?

I had no clue what it was when my midwife mentioned it to me a few weeks ago when we had our first ultrasound. At this first ultrasound it was noted that I was 6weeks3days, my uterus was measuring 12weeks2days, and there were 2 sacs inside my uterus.

Being that I was so early they were only able to see a baby in one sac and told me that there were a few things that could come of this:
A.) we could have TWINS!!
B.) it could be an empty sac-something they called a 'false pregnancy'
C.) it could be a blighted ovum

We scheduled another ultrasound 1.5weeks later and we were eager to see what they would be telling us. I went in, they started the u/s and right away there were 2 sacs :) I was really excited, yet overwhelmed at the thought, that it could be twins, but waited to hear what the tech would say about what she was seeing. She informed me that yes there were 2 sacs, but only 1 had a baby in it. She called the empty sac a 'blighted ovum'.

I asked her to explain that term to me and she said that it is a missed miscarriage. Basically we miscarried the other twin, leaving only one baby left in my growing belly. And growing this belly is as it is now measuring (well at this baby was 8weeks1day) 15weeks.

My midwife later confirmed this all to be true, when she called me yesterday (my u/s was on Tuesday of this week). But she had some other news to tell me too...

Apparently when you have a blighted ovum you have the potential to spot and that can cause some concern regarding the healthy baby growing inside. She informed me that there was a sac of blood in my uterus right now that she is hoping will absorb into the body (something that happens often when the baby transplants into the uterus). I am suppose to call her right away if I have any cramping or bleeding but otherwise do not be concerned (easier for her to say when she is not the one who has lost 3 babies in a year).

So now we continue to wait until my next ultrasound on February 28th, and pray that everything continues to go well and that baby will continue to be perfect! I have seen and heard the heartbeat twice now and it is an amazing sound!! At our last ultrasound I was able to see it move it's little arms and kick it's little foot. So amazing!!

So friends, please say a prayer that everything is going to continue well and that we will not have any hiccups along the way.