Monday, May 9, 2011

Starting LETTER B

Joshua LOVES doing 'school' at home and asks for it daily and gets SO excited when we start a new letter. We changed our letter of the week schedule to drag it out a bit longer and we are now doing a letter for 2 weeks. For the month of May we started with letter B and will finish with letter C.

Here is some of the things we are doing for Letter B

We started off with our letter B 'poke page'. Joshua loves using the push pins to follow the black outline in the letters
Here Joshua is working on separating the butterflies by size: Large, Medium, Small
We also are working on cutting and pasting skills with Joshua. He loves to glue EVERYTHING. Joshua is starting to figure out how to use a pair of scissors correctly and I am so proud of him!

I have to thank Confessions of a Homeschooler for a lot of the curriculum ideas

1 comment:

  1. yay! My kids LOVE doing the poke pages...except we just use toothpicks and they just trace the letter out...I like your idea...we just might have to try that one out this week! They love doing scissor work too. When Anthony was cutting his wings out, he cut them in half. I was like what are you doing? He said he was making a butterfly puzzle and glued them back together. :)
