Thursday, May 20, 2010

Take 2, or is it 3...

...of this whole 'blog' thing. I believe it is take 3. I started blogging in 2005 shortly after Dan and I got married and some friends of ours moved away. They had started a blog and I became an avid follower and decided that I would give it a try myself. I did really well, for about 2 months, and it slowly died. Well it wasn't slowly...actually, I killed it! Plain and simple-I just stopped! I had no time, I was working full time and time just got away from me.

The second time I 'started' blogging was when we found our we were pregnant with Joshua. I wanted to keep everyone in the loop and I found it very relaxing for me to sit at the computer and share our journey with anyone who came across our page. I did well with it, I think, for a while (nearly 2.5 years) but then Madelynn was born. Do you know how hard it is to blog when you have 2 little ones only 19months (well 5days shy of 20months) apart? Needless to say, I killed it once again. I believe my last entry (in my last blog) was in December 2009 and it was a post of Christmas presents that the kids had received from their Nana, Papa, Auntie, Uncle, and Cousins. So needless to say, it's been a while.

So here I am, take 3 at this blog thing, but this time I have help! I met an AMAZING lady here in the blog world who helped, no scratch that, who designed this blog for me and also my business blog! She's amazing and she can be found here. She's been such a blessing to me, and I have only know her just over a week-I think! Dates are not something I am good at keeping track of since I don't usually go anywhere that requires a deadline/date. I usually am only aware of the date when it is payday, which means I have bills to write checks out for. But the time doesn't matter-she's been awesome!

After she designed my business blog (you didn't know I had my own business? Well you should! LOL, I'll post more about that in a bit) I decided that I really wanted her to create a personal blog for me as well. She accepted my plea and here we are :) It is still in the works, so stay tuned!!

Ok, my business! Here is my blog, that is also a work in progress. Sometime in March 2010 I met a lady online via chat through Signing Time! I found out that she lived here in Maple Grove, MN and she was a Signing Time! Instructor and she encouraged me to look into teaching infants and toddlers ASL. As many of you know, ASL and the Deaf Culture have always been a passion of mine and both of my kids are exposed to it and have been since birth. Joshua, now 2, knows over 100signs and he helps teach Madelynn to sign-even placing his hands over her hands when she is eating to help her sign 'milk' sweet!
Ok, focus Autumn, focus! Ok, so I met this lady and we chatted on and off and then life got busy and I hadn't spoken to her for a few weeks. Then I saw a post on facebook of Rachel Coleman (the co-founder of Signing Time!-I am a follower) that she was coming to Maple Grove, MN to do a performance on April 30th, 2010. After a lot of debating, begging, and praying I decided to take both kids to this performance and I am so glad I did. Rachel Coleman put on an AMAZING show and Joshua loved it! I'll post videos of him enjoying the show at another time. After the show I met the lady I had been chatting with and she encouraged me to join the Signing Time! Academy team.
She had encouraged me the month prior when we first began talking and I knew, even then, that I would love to teach other parents/caregivers to love ASL and to share with them the value of communication that they could have with their children who did not talk yet. After some prayer and all the stones falling into place rapidly, I took the step of faith and joined the team! As of May 10th, 2010 I am now a Certified Baby Signing Time! Instructor, able to teach parents/caregivers and children under age 3. I am so excited. This is pushing me outside of my personal comfort zone-I'm not the most outgoing face-to-face person, but using ASL to teach others has always been a passion of mine. So here we are!
Blessed By Signing (my business name) sums up, for me, what Signing Time! and ASL has done for me. I am truly blessed by signing as it has given Joshua the tools to communicate when he doesn't have the words. He uses about 90% of his communication with us in sign, though he is starting to add more words and sounds into his vocab. We are so blessed to be able to share this with Joshua (and Madelynn too) and I pray that others will be blessed by signing too!

So there you have it, Take 3, of this blog and some business information! Wow-I think I just wrote a book! Sorry. I promise not to make all my blog entries this long...I just had so much to share-and I didn't even go into depth about the kids yet ;)-to get everyone up to speed, so now that you are...I'm gonna end this entry!! ;D

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