Monday, August 6, 2012

Letter L...for this LAZY blog mama!!

So life has kept me busy and away from my blog once again, I hate that!, but hopefully I can get a chance to catch up here before life REALLY has me running around like a chicken with my head cut off!!

Here is some more LOTW catch up:

Finding the correct letters to match to spell out the word of the week.  This particular week is Ll is for LADYBUG

 Madelynn loves to find the letters...and she's really good at it too!!
 Moo's turn
 Look mom, I did it!
 Madelynn working with lowercase letters (orange)

Working on our alphabet puzzle
I love the way that Madelynn puts together these puzzles 
All Done

Tracing the letter Ll with gems
All done :) 
 Using gems on our Do-A-Dot page

Writing practice for letter Ll
 Almost done

 Letter Hunt
 All done...Joshua  has really gotten good at finding the letters in the paragraph

Size matching...biggest to smallest
 smallest to biggest

Color matching...matching the colored word to the correct color ladybug
 All Done

Writing our our capital Ls...Joshua does so well, I'm really a proud mama!!
Concentrating so hard! 

A close up of his letters

My beautiful Madelynn Rene'
Shaving Cream :)
 spreading it out so we can practice writing our letters
 Madelynn was a little hesitant
but she got into it 

Coloring sheets :)
 All Done

 he's come so far with this one this year!
 Almost done

Capital L and lowercase l sorting
 perfect placement!

Shape Matching
 Concentrating so hard
.Joshua is so proud, complete with cocky smirk :)

So there you have it...a glimpse at our letter Ll

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